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HCSD Board of Education Agenda July 10, 2017

Monday, July 10, 2017 
Annual Board of Education Meeting and Budget Hearing 
Time: 6:00 P.M. Hill City High School Room 202 


I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call 
II. Approval of Agenda 
III. Approval of Minutes: June 12, 2017 
IV. 2017-2018 Annual Budget Hearing (Budget is adopted prior to October 1) 
V.  (A) Financial Reports (B) Approval of Claims 
VI. Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Waivers 
       A. Todd Satter High School Principal: Spouse employed with district.  
VII. Audience with Individuals (Five-minute time limit) 
VIII. Correspondence and Reports 
       A. Jeff Anderson, Maintenance Supervisor 
       B. Aimee Peyregne, Business Manager  
       C. Mike Hanson, Superintendent  
IX. Old Business  
I. Meeting called to order by Business Manager 
II. Oath for appointed board member: Mr. Mike Welu 
III. Elect board officers for 2017-2018 President and Vice President 
IV. Annual Business (BC-E) 
V. New Business 
A. Resignations: 
1. Shawn Woodward: HS Social Science, VGBB Coach, Athletic Director effective the end of the 2016-2017 school year. 
2. Amy Woodward: 5th-12th Band Instructor effective the end of the 2016-2017 school year. 
3. Lark Bennett: Elementary School Teacher effective the end of the 2016-2017 school year.  
4. Rick Hamilton: Senior Class advisor effective the end of the 2016-2017 school year.  
B. Contracts 
1, Nicholas Ries, 2017-2018 5th-12th Grade Band  
2. Summer 2017 Special Education and Federal Programs Teacher Time Sheets 
3. 2017-2018 Property/Casualty Insurance and Workers Compensation 
 C. Approve 2016-2017 payables, receivables, contingency fund-reserve fund transfers, and Title I grant amendments. 
 D. Authorize the business manager to advertise bids for propane and food service commodities. 
 E. 2017-2018 District Handbooks 
1. Adopt 2017-2018 Student Handbook 
2. Adopt 2017-2018 Classified Employee Handbook 
3. Adopt 2017-2018 Certified Employee Handbook 
 F. Federal Programs 
1. Hold public meeting and approve the 2017-2018 federal Consolidated Grant Application for Title I program funds. 
2. Approve the Assurance of Compliance Statements which assure that the Hill City School District will comply with all state, regional, and federal regulations outlined by law and appoint Superintendent Hanson as the official district representative 
 G. Board Policy Second Reading and Approval:  
1. Section A: AH Conflict of Interest and Disclosure 
2. Section I: IGBH-R Rushmore Alternative School Guidelines: Recommendation to repeal policy.  
 H. Surplus Equipment 
VI. Discussion: 
A. Five Year Capital Outlay Plan 
1. Food Service Equipment Purchase 
VII. Executive Session (SDCL 1-25-2) 
1. Personnel (SDCL 1-25-2-2) 
2. Negotiations (SDCL 1-25-2-4) 
VIII.  Motion to Adjourn Meeting